
Strong & Lean- How Much Protein to Do You Really Need?

It seems like everywhere you turn, protein is being praised and promoted. Protein chips, protein pancakes, protein mac’n’cheese, protein peanut butter cups, the list goes on…. And of course, there is always the good ‘ole protein bar. While this macronutrient is vital to health, stamina and strength, most individuals don’t know how much they are getting OR if it’s enough. And with so many popular ways of eating- plant-based, paleo, keto- there are conflicting numbers and recommendations adding more confusion. Let’s clarify why you need this nutrient, how to make it work for you and where to get quality protein.

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Fitness, Health

One More Step for Strong Bones

Osteoporosis is a “silent disease” in which bones become brittle and weak over time, increasing risk of fracture from a fall.  While this disease may elicit a picture of a hunched elderly woman, the actual weakening of the bones began decades earlier, likely when she was unaware.  According to National Institute of Health, bone mass peaks between ages 20-30, making it crucial for individuals to actively work to maintain bone density throughout the lifespan.

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