healthy oatmeal date balls recipe

Oatmeal Date Balls (No Added Sugar)

Whether you are going to a party, battling afternoon fatigue or dreaming of a before bedtime indulgence, sweets are what we crave.  How can we cure our sweet tooth without added sugar?  Real plant foods that are naturally sweet- like dates!  These easy Oatmeal Date Balls are amazingly sweet without a bit of added sugar.

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What to Do With All the Candy!?

While the ultimate candy holiday has passed, it has probably left you a sweet and horrible gift… a stash of way too many confectionary treats!  Maybe you were “the one” who gave out “healthier” treats this year, like my friend Josten Fish recommends in her article, 10 Halloween Treats That Aren’t Candy.  But even so, that doesn’t keep your kitchen candy free.  So, the dilemma presents… What to do with all the candy? 

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Health, Life

Is It Really Possible to Eliminate Added Sugar?…One Mom’s Story

Every bite you take is either fighting disease or feeding it. –Anonymous

As described in the Sugar Series, Part 1 and Part 2, sugar has a way of sneaking into our kitchen and meals, becoming a friend and sabotaging our taste buds. Knowingly or unknowingly, we have allowed it. But, we don’t have to permit it to invade our lives. The first step is knowing the facts and the second is understanding where it is coming from. For knowledge to lead to action, we need to be convinced it is actually possible. Are you?

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How Much Sugar is Too Much?

Some simple facts about sugar:
It tastes good.
It is harmful to our health.
Americans eat too much of it.
No one needs a healthcare provider to give recommendations to cut back on sugary foods and beverages. We all know what we should do. But these are the questions that everyone really wants to know…

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