
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?  How to Find Out…

Vitamin D is 1 nutrient that Americans aren’t getting enough of, especially during the winter! It is considered a “nutrient of concern” in the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Often called the “sunshine vitamin,” the best dose of vitamin D comes directly from ultraviolet B rays, not foods.  And of the foods that do contain Vitamin D, Americans aren’t eating enough.  Some reports show that  40-80% of Americans are vitamin D deficient.  Are you?

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A Quick & Nourishing Skin Care Routine for the Busy Woman

“Healthy glow.”  That’s what every woman wants, right?  Skin that is supple and practically radiates beauty.  But most of us feel that image is almost impossible because we don’t have a spa budget, personal aesthetician, or even the slightest knowledge where to begin. Obtaining a natural glow is even more valuable than physical attractiveness.  Anyone can put on make-up, lashes, lip gloss, and bronzer, but when you “glow” you can walk with confidence regardless of what you are or are not wearing…

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Loving You, Inside and Out

If you look good, you feel good and if you feel good, you do good. –Georges St. Pierre

When you look amazing, you walk with confidence, smile more, enjoy the stares of your spouse and engage in conversation.  It totally changes the way we carry ourselves,  think about ourselves and how others engage with us.

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